Teaching Schedule

Below is a quick at-a-glance guide to my teaching plans in the near future

In person:

2/16/25 zoom, Bear Valley Quilt Guild

2/22/25 zoom workshop, Quilters Guild of the British Isles: Quilted Texture A to Zen

3/19/25 In person, Australia Machine Quilting Festival, numerous hands on classes and lectures

4/15-16 In person, Utah Valley Quilt Guild, Feather Faster, Florals and lecture 

6/20/25 In person, Minnesota Quilt Show, numerous hands on classes

6/27/25 zoom Melbourne Australia Quilt Guild

9/2/25 in person, Crazy Quilters guild, Allentown, PA

9/11/25 In person Hots Springs Village Quilt Guild lecture and 2 classes

9/20/25 in person Witwyck quilt guild, NY

10/4-5/25 in person Quilted with Joy Quilt Shop, Louisville KY

11/17 in person Lakeview Quilt Guild, Houston TX

11/18/25 in person Quilt Guild of Greater Houston, Houston TX

4/9/26 zoom, the Quilters guild of Indianapolis

4/14/26 zoom, Royal City Quilters Guild

Hybrid Digital with Personal Follow through:

2/6/25 – 4/6/25 Freehand Feather Fiesta, Now Enrolling here:

Digital Open Enrollment