Anodized Steel Thread Snips


These lovely 4.5″ snips are craft quality, but heavy, durable, and best of all…a cool color.  The blades are sharp and the snips have a nice solid feel in the hand and feel like they can take some abuse.  They are the perfect snip for an on the go box of supplies, or the sort of thing that works fabulous, but aren’t so precious that you will be super upset if they walk off.

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These (non branded) steel thread snips are perfect utilitarian quality snips for all sewing.  They have smooth action and a sharp blade.  I have many scissors of all qualities.  I rank these as a mid quality utility snip that will hold up to abuse, but not as nice as a pair of $50 ginghers.

They weigh 3.5 oz, and are 4.5″ long x 1.5″ wide and fit nicely in the hand.  When open, the tip of the blades spread 5/8″.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Blue, Purple Rainbow