This two hour class will teach a new procreate user everything they need to know about harnessing this powerful app and applying it to quilted line design. Some exciting highlights include:
- Getting started with gestures, brush controls for steady, smooth lines, and understanding layers
- Importing your own quilt images to preview your quilting on
- Color drop coloring basics and uploading new palettes
- Using the selection tools to move, scale, and copy/paste designs within a project, and between projects
- Using assisted drawing for square grids, perspective, isometric, quadrant and radial designs to create quilt blocks or whole cloth design with mirrored elements
- Creating seamless, colored, interlocking designs for use in printing your own fabric or other crafts.
- Creating transparent versions of your work to use in other applications, like making a custom watermark
- Saving and sharing your designs and two methods of printing tiled images for larger work, for example, to create a master design for a whole cloth quilt
- Designing your own interlocking pantograph quilting design, and printing for home use
Check your iPad’s Compatibility first (scroll down)

Even a brand new Procreate user with zero experience will be able to make interlocking repeating designs, and create radial symmetry blocks or whole cloth concepts, all with a smooth steady digital line and simple color drop coloring within the two hours of class….and share their creations across any platform or even print fabric!
Please note…while I use feathers to draw and teach Procreate concepts, this is not a quilting class. If you would like instruction on improving your feather ability, please join my Freehand Feather Fiesta class!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to have an iPad, what if I use Android or something else?
Sorry, Procreate is iPad only, and I am not aware of a comparable program.
If I were to buy a new iPad, which should I get?
All currently sold models will run Procreate. Physically, choose the screen size as the “paper” size you would like to sketch on without needing to move.
My iPad is really old, will it work?
Please click the green link above and check your compatibility. Or, go to the App Store on your iPad, find Procreate for iPad. Scroll to the information bar, it will recognize your iPad and say “compatible with device”, or not.
Do I have to have an Apple Pencil?
Technically no, but the fine tip, pressure sensitive Apple Pencil will make your experience more accurate and enjoyable. Technically, any stylus (or even finger) will work.
How much memory does my iPad need to run Procreate?
The Procreate app does not use much memory, but it varies depending on how much saved work you have. The app uses 600 MB to operate. My personal saved projects take up 15 GB. The smallest iPad available today is 64 GB. More detailed projects, like paintings, will need a lot more storage.
Will this class teach me to use all the brushes and paint with Procreate?
No, Procreate is a VERY powerful and intimidating drawing app…We are going to stay focused on JUST enjoying it for the purposes of the quilted line and using it to created quilting designs.