Help Lakota Friends Circle (LFC)
The Lakota Friends Circle is an all volunteer organization who works directly with Lakota-led non-profits to bring desperately needed support to numerous organizations. Their mission statement reads: “Providing resources to Native American led organizations on Sioux Reservations, including support for education, food security, women and children’s issues, housing, and native culture.”

Lakota Friends Circle works with organizations on the Pine Ridge, Rosebud, and Yankton Sioux Reservations in South Dakota supplying urgent needs. The Friends Circle specifically focuses on educational organizations, two women’s domestic violence shelters, and at risk children. LFC is requesting donations of quilts in various sizes, but there is an ongoing need for monetary donations, school supplies, food, baby supplies, etc.
The Pine Ridge,Rosebud, and Yankton Sioux Reservations are the poorest reservations in the United States with dramatically limited access to basic services and government programs available to most US citizens due to the complex land trust system. A trip to the grocery store is 160 miles round trip, assuming a person has a car, which many don’t, and if they have a vehicle, many can’t afford gas.
Below are several contacts for sending desperately needed warm, cheerful, well made quilts for children. These kids live on the margins and in what most would consider profound poverty. Please send quilts made with all the skill and dignity you have, and ones you yourself would feel cherished to wrap yourself in. If you would like to contribute other needed items, go to the Lakota Friends homepage above, and click their tab “Who we Serve”. Eight separate organizations have a very long needs lists, including food, infant care, clothing, school supplies, etc.
You can send baby, nap, and twin sized quilts to these organizations:
Marty Indian School Elementary
Attn: Peggy Jakopak/ Buffalo Store
9000 388th ave #1, Marty, SD 57361
Sacred Shawl Society/ Wild Horse butte CDC
Attn: Maria Cruz
401 5th St, Martin SD 57551
Bright Start
Attn: Mary Mousseau
PO Box 1988, Pine Ridge, SD 57770-1988
Children in Need of Care
Attn: Barb DullKnife
House 32 Porcupine School Road, Porcupine, SD 57772